General Information
Payments and New Connections
Town Clerk
Toni Clerk
Sewer & Water Operations Manager
Johnnie Chadwick
Maintenance Officer
Robert Tew
Phone Numbers
Emergencies: Dial 911
PO Box 97

Water & Sewer

Pollocksville Utilities

The Water and Sewer Department maintains the utility services around the clock to ensure Water Supply and Waste Removal operations.

This department maintains a Freshwater Plant that pulls water from the aquifer and stores it in the Pollocksville Water Tower. The Sewer Department maintains the lagoon and spray field operation, which keeps Pollocksville's waste trapped in the ideal sandy-loam soils. Both operations are carefully maintained by career operator Johnnie Chadwick.

New Online Portal to Pay Your Bill

There are two ways to know your bill amount:

Check the Paper Statement. It should come in the mail in the last week of the month. 

Call the Town Clerk. If you are unable to access your statement, the Town Clerk can tell you your bill amount. However, the clerk cannot take payments over the phone. 

There are 4 ways to pay:

Online. Using the new Payment Portal.  You do not have to create an account.  Just be sure to enter your account number correctly!

Mail. Do it the old fashioned way for just the cost of a stamp! Slip your payment in a new envelope with a note with the account name and send to P.O. Box 97, Pollocksville, NC 28573.  Be sure to mail it 7-10 days prior to the 15th to avoid a late fee.

Outdoor Drop Box. Want to drop off a payment 24/7 from the convenience of your car? Use our drop box located to the left of the entrance door at Town Hall. It is a black box to the left of the door, and is checked daily.

In Person. Our usual office hours are 9:00-2:30 Monday-Thursday.

Pay your bill Online Button

Start/Stop Service 

Have a Leak? 

Utility Collection Policy

Don’t Feed the Grease Goblin

Garbage Pick Up 


CORRECTED 2023-2024 Consumer Confidence Report.

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